Refund & Cancellation 
We are trying to embrace customer friendly refund policy. A concern is the printing is custom made and labour-intensive item thus makes it difficult to have a refund.  Please note that we may make a refund after deducting depending on the time of cancellation.   

  • 5% of order amount or OMR 5 will be taken out if the order is cancelled before order proof delivery from us.
  • 10% of order amount  or OMR 10 will be taken out if the order is cancelled with order proof yet the customer didn’t confirm. 
  • 100% of order amount will be taken out if the order is cancelled after order confirmation.  

In case we find that the printing has clearly defective which is not compliant with the digital proof, we will provide free reprint for once.  The defect does not cover colour changes that occur from the colour conversion from RGB to CMYK.